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Thanks to all of you for attending our annual users' meeting. This year has brought about some exciting changes at TOTAL 1, and I am eager to share with all of you the ways in which your credit union will benefit from the new programs we are implementing.

I'm sure you've all heard me say that in order for your credit union to successfully compete in today's financial marketplace, you must have access to the very latest in technological innovation and service capabilities. For over 28 years now, TOTAL/1 has not only provided your credit union leading-edge technological solutions you need, but has also backed up our technology with personalized service and a host of customizable capabilities.

In keeping with our commitment to offer our credit unions the very latest technology, TOTAL/1 is preparing to introduce the following new products and services, many of which will be available to you at no additional cost:

Internet Marketing: This system allow you to promote your services through internet promotions and traditional marketing products. As your marketing needs change to embrace the Internet TOTAL/1 will supply you invaluable experience in meeting those needs.

Free e-mail: All of our credit union clients will benefit from the expanded capabilities of our TOTAL/1 e-mail program. E-mail and networking to the TOTAL/1 system will enable all of our clients to access our new reporting and customer service systems without incurring any additional set-up fees or monthly costs.

New Business partner relationships: TOTAL/1 will offer your credit union greater access to services such as home banking, ATM services, image processing, mortgage processing and network development through its expanded business partner program.

While many things are changing, some things will always remain the same - like our ongoing commitment to personalized customer service and the continued availability of customizable applications. We're still your one-stop-shop for data processing, Internet access, customized website marketing resources, and are committed to building up our in-house sales staff and expanding our product line through new partnerships in order to help us both succeed.

Today's changing financial industry made this product expansion necessary, but customer loyalty has made it possible. We take great pride in serving you, and look forward to continuing to serve as your most valuable business partner.

Thank you for your loyal support.

Marc Lafitte
President, TOTAL/1

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